2017: #8 – Give Peas a Chance (Kate Samela, MS, RD, CSP)

If you are a parent, I’m sure some version of the words “why won’t my child eat???” have escaped your lips on at least one occasion. In my case, it’s way too often. Max, who is almost 4, is a terribly picky eater. Some examples of what he will eat: any breakfast food that resembles bread or pancakes, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, a variety of

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2016: The Lost Girls (Jennifer Baggett, Holly C. Corbett & Amanda Pressner)

You have to admire what these girls did. In their mid-twenties and mired in the fast-paced world of magazine publication in New York, they decided it was now or never. It was time to explore the world. Over the course of a year, their trip took them to South America, Kenya, several countries in SE Asia, Bali, New Zealand, and Australia. And the book covers

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2013: #21 – Escape (Carolyn Jessop & Laura Palmer)

Title: Escape Author: Carolyn Jessop & Laura Palmer Format: Hardcover Pages:  413 Release Date: October 16, 2007 Publisher: Broadway Books Source: library Read the back of the book The dramatic first-person account of life inside an ultra-fundamentalist American religious sect, and one woman’s courageous flight to freedom with her eight children. When she was eighteen years old, Carolyn Jessop was coerced into an arranged marriage

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