2018: #16 – All Our Wrong Todays (Elan Mastai)

This is a crazy roller coaster of a story. First, Tom isn’t a particularly likable character, especially in the beginning of the book. I guess he fits the stereotype of a directionless millennial, unable to settle himself into a career or find a girlfriend that can stand him for long. Though even that characterization is a bit confusing, because despite being terrible at everything he

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2018: #15 – Quiet (Susan Cain)

I thought this was a really interesting and insightful read, whether you consider yourself an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in between.  The book is split into 4 parts. In the first part, the table is set and we learn the difference between extroverts and introverts and how society favors extroverts, as well as some of the historical and cultural implications of this. The second part

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2018: #14 – Godmother: The Secret Cinderella Story (Carolyn Turgeon)

I chose this as a palate cleanser after my last read, and it didn’t quite end up as I expected. This starts out as sort of a retelling of Cinderella, except something has gone terribly wrong. Lil, Cinderella’s fairy godmother, fell in love with the Prince instead of Cinderella, and for her troubles she is banished from the fairy kingdom, doomed to live her days

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