2017: #8 – Give Peas a Chance (Kate Samela, MS, RD, CSP)

If you are a parent, I’m sure some version of the words “why won’t my child eat???” have escaped your lips on at least one occasion. In my case, it’s way too often. Max, who is almost 4, is a terribly picky eater. Some examples of what he will eat: any breakfast food that resembles bread or pancakes, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, a variety of

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2017: #5 – Three Dark Crowns (Kendare Blake)

The premise of this book/series is rather dark. In this world, every Queen gives birth to female triplets. These triplets are sent to separate foster families in different areas of the kingdom to be raised and have their magical talents nurtured, never to see or interact with each other. And then on their 16th birthday, they will come together, meet some suitors, show off their

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