2016: The Ice Twins (S.K. Tremayne)

Honestly, I didn’t finish this book. It rides the line between psychological thriller and ghost story, but even that and the “creepy little kid” trope weren’t enough to keep me going. I just couldn’t relate to or understand ANYTHING the mother did. Or most of what the father did. Starting with moving their family to a house they haven’t even set eyes on (her) or

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2016: The Miseducation of Cameron Post (Emily M. Danforth)

Cameron Post is a young girl who has basically the worst thing happen to her — her parents are killed in a car accident. Coincidentally, that same day is the first time she kisses a girl, and because children aren’t logical, she connects the two events in her mind, thus beginning several years of confusion and denial and secrecy. In the mid-90s, rural Montana isn’t

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2016: The Lost Girls (Jennifer Baggett, Holly C. Corbett & Amanda Pressner)

You have to admire what these girls did. In their mid-twenties and mired in the fast-paced world of magazine publication in New York, they decided it was now or never. It was time to explore the world. Over the course of a year, their trip took them to South America, Kenya, several countries in SE Asia, Bali, New Zealand, and Australia. And the book covers

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